Yazan: Candace | 30 March 2007 | 7 Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Diversity, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Third Wave, Women's Studies
Front page of the Windsor Star today: Casey Froese (age 11) is a minor hockey player in Windsor, Ontario. Recently it was discovered that she’s been suiting up all season in the boys’ (ages 9-10) locker room. Since then, she’s been told to suit up somewhere separate from the boys. Glenn Froese, her father, says […]
Yazan: Candace | 09 March 2007 | 7 Comments
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Culture, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Life, School, Sexism, Sexuality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
Wasn’t it just International Women’s Day? Couldn’t we celebrate instead of attacking women? Update: Contact phone number for John Jay High School in NY: 914 763-7200 Leave a message with the principal in support of the Megan Reback, Elan Stahl and Hannah Levinson. I got a link to the censorship taking place at John Jay […]
Yazan: Candace | 14 February 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Culture, Diversity, Divorce, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Happy, Language, Life, Marriage, Masculinity, Relationships, Sexism, Sexuality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
When you decide that things aren’t quite right and that you have the power to make changes in the world, however large or small those changes might be, you leave the path. You can no longer follow the map of your youth, the instruction book your parents gave you, or mimic the decisions made by […]
Yazan: Candace | 02 February 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Blogging, Blogher, Canadiana, Culture, Feminism, Happy, History, Life, northernvoice, School, Technology, Third Wave, Women's Studies
I turned in my application to the MA history program with an exciting proposal to collect oral histories from the last women to give birth on Pelee Island,Ontario, back in the 1950s. By then most women were relocating to either mainland Ontario (Leamington or Windsor) or to Ohio to give birth. I’m excited because there’s […]
Yazan: Candace | 22 December 2006 | Comments Off on Aikido, violence against women, and my daughter’s sensei
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Culture, Feminism, Life, Sexism, Women's Studies
Prompted by a discussion with my daughter’s sensei I felt a need to review some violence against women stats. All images in this post are by fotografer.ru. Check this out: in Canada, from WAVAW: One half of all Canadian women have experienced at least one incident of sexual or physical violence. Almost 60% of these […]
Yazan: Candace | 08 December 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Culture, Family, Feminism, Food, Happy, Life, Relationships, Third Wave, Women's Studies
I am in such a wonderfully good place right now. There are still enough days between now and due dates that I’m not yet in full freakout, and I am surrounded by the most wonderful and caring people anyone could know. It began yesterday with some sweet things my kids said, then I was surprised […]
Yazan: Candace | 06 December 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Canadiana, Feminism, History, School, Women's Studies
Today is December 6, 2006. It is 17 years after the day a gunman shot and killed 14 women at École Polytechnique in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Thirteen were students and one was an employee of the university. Today we remember these victims of gendered violence and reflect on women everywhere who are victims of gendered […]
Yazan: Candace | 14 November 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Ecofeminism, Environment, Racism, Sexism, Women's Studies
The environmental movement has inadequately addressed issues of race, class, and sexuality. The feminist movement has only recently identified the need to consider race, class, and sexuality, and made concentrated efforts to be inclusive in their concerns, structures, and practices. As the environmental movement faces increasing pressure to align itself with social justice issues and […]
Yazan: Candace | 14 September 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Bodies, Culture, Diversity, Ecofeminism, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Sexism, Women's Studies
An egalitarian believes in equality for all people: equal opportunity, equal access to resources, regardless of their gender, age, skin colour, language, culture, sexual orientation, religion, ability, etc. A feminist shares this belief but takes it further and says that women’s oppression must be acknowledged and eliminated before an egalitarian society can exist. We cannot […]
Yazan: Candace | 07 September 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Ecofeminism, Environment, Feminism, Life, School, Women's Studies
I signed up for more classes than I need, figuring I’ll check them all out, get a feel for the profs’ attitudes, take a look at the reading and assignment lists and then make my decision of which to take. My degree requirements are pretty much filled, save for a feminist research credit, a programming […]