Yazan: Candace | 14 February 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Culture, Diversity, Divorce, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Happy, Language, Life, Marriage, Masculinity, Relationships, Sexism, Sexuality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
When you decide that things aren’t quite right and that you have the power to make changes in the world, however large or small those changes might be, you leave the path. You can no longer follow the map of your youth, the instruction book your parents gave you, or mimic the decisions made by […]
Yazan: Candace | 16 September 2006 | Comments Off on Stupid. Custody. Orders.
Categories: Bodies, Divorce, Family, Life, Masculinity, Relationships
Their father picked them up this morning for his every-other-weekend and started to pull away from the curb. He paused a few feet up the street and my daughter (12) opened her window and said the youngest (5) forgot to hug me. I could hear him in the back seat saying “Mama – I didn’t […]
Yazan: Candace | 01 November 2005 | Comments Off on Masculinity and 40 year old virgins
Categories: Activism, Audiocast, Culture, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Masculinity, Podcast, Sexism, Sexuality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
Download the audio: Masculinity and the 40 Year Old Virgin (6 mins, 5 MB) I saw the movie. And while I was also in shock at the way women were discussed and treated, I laughed at the main character Andy while he tried to navigate the pressures to be what a man is ‘supposed’ to […]