Archive for the 'Life' Category

What is it you’re trying to do?

Yazan: Candace | 14 October 2008 | 4 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Life, Relationships, School

I have a few sticky notes around my monitor to help me stay focused when I’m writing essays for school. One of these says, “Why is this important?” It reminds me that every bit of information I include in a paper needs to be relevant to the thesis. It helps me cut down a long […]

Elizabeth May on the Air!

Yazan: Candace | 11 September 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Ecofeminism, Feminism, Happy, Life, Sexism, Technology, Third Wave

I just got an email from the Greens saying that Elizabeth May will be part of the televised national debates this election: Dear Green Party Supporter, I am writing to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting my campaign to be included in the televised leaders’ debates. Because of you and countless […]

Grit in my Hair

Yazan: Candace | 27 May 2008 | 3 Comments
Categories: Academia, Environment, History, Life, School

I’m spending a lot of time on campus lately. I have a wonderful workspace in the History Research Lab and I’ve made it cozy with some comics, postcards, and other decorations. I also leave articles I’m reading on the desk so that I have to come back to continue working. Since I bought a parking […]

Random Happy and Sad Things

Yazan: Candace | 07 May 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Gardening, Happy, Life, School

It’s time for a check-in and one of those posts that I can look back on to gauge state-of-mind when one day in the future I reflect back to this time and wonder what in the world I was thinking. so: Some things that made me happy today: spreading dirt for a garden in the […]

It’s Coming Together

Yazan: Candace | 30 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Family, Happy, Life

There’s nothing quite like the week after a semester finishes. I’ve been so productive the last few days. Rob and I have put doors up on two kids’ bedrooms so that leaves only one more. I just finished installing the doorknob on the second one and sawing off the shims. My taxes are done and […]

Another Reason Divorce Sucks for Kids

Yazan: Candace | 22 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Divorce, Family, Life, Relationships, Technology

Every time my kids go to their dad’s they ask me to take care of their Webkinz gardens. At xmas time they ask me to loot the NeoPets advent calendar for them. I do my best but times three kids it can add up to a considerable amount of time. I try hard to get […]

How to Procrastinate

Yazan: Candace | 21 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, Food, Happy, Life, Relationships, School, Technology

When did a B become a bad mark? (omg I hope I don’t get a B on my assignment.) It seems this is what happens moving up into graduate studies. Everyone is stressing over grades. Nothing below an A is good enough and a B is required to pass a course. I hate having that […]

Always a Decision to Make

Yazan: Candace | 21 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Family, Feminism, Life, Relationships, School

I hate limbo. I like to have a general idea of where I’m headed, what’s next, where the groceries will come from next week. So I’m getting anxious because I haven’t heard yet if I’ll receive the funding I applied for to finish my master’s. I had planned to do this degree in one year […]

Some Keys to Blended Family Happiness

Yazan: Candace | 17 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Divorce, Family, Happy, Life, Relationships

These may be obvious to others but I’ve recently discovered a few things that are making life a lot easier. Rob and I blended families last fall and it hasn’t all been a picnic. Some of it’s because of the craziness of our own particular situations but some of it is just because it’s hard […]

Geeks get the Monthlies

Yazan: Candace | 08 April 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Feminism, Life, Sexuality, Technology

I’ve been playing with calendars on my fresh install of SuSE Linux – experimenting with customizing Lightning for Mozilla Thunderbird and trying out kOrganizer. I’ve got all of my calendars (kids here, kids at their dads, Rob’s kid, campus activities, due dates, birthdays, etc) on the home network so that I can see my events […]

dancing frog

