Archive for the 'Diversity' Category

Blogging from the poorhouse – Blogher 2006

Yazan: Candace | 03 November 2005 | Comments Off on Blogging from the poorhouse – Blogher 2006
Categories: Activism, Blogging, Blogher, Culture, Diversity, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Third Wave, Women's Studies

Blogher 2006 has been announced so mark your calendars: July 28 and July 29, 2006. Sour Duck has asked the question of how to get economically disadvantaged women to the conference this year. If you scroll down here to the comment section you can read Lisa Stone’s response which includes what helped last year. Some […]

What is feminism?

Yazan: Candace | 23 October 2005 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Diversity, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Sexism, Women's Studies

This semester is challenging me to come to terms with this beast called “feminism”. Between papers identifying whether or not suffrage has made a difference in women’s lives to critiquing the third wave I waver between thinking the movement is salvageable and becomeing enthused with reform to seeing the idea as too far gone a […]

The Problem With Feminism

Yazan: Candace | 29 September 2005 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Diversity, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Women's Studies

The use of the term “feminist” inhibits the goals of the movement for equality. In her article “Why I’m a Feminist,” Lauren Anderson describes some of the many negative stereotypes associated with “feminism” and “feminists” like “hairy-legged, bitchy, [and] lesbian” (Anderson 32). According to this stereotype, feminists are destructive, hateful, selfish and angry. These stereotypes […]

Guilty of Appropriation

Yazan: Candace | 10 August 2005 | Comments Off on Guilty of Appropriation
Categories: Academia, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Diversity, Racism, Women's Studies

Every summer I take my children camping with a group of homeschooler families. This year’s trip is to a 17th century reconstruction of an Iroquoian village. The trip includes observing a ‘day-in-the-life’, performances of traditional Native dance and storytelling, canoeing down the river and sleeping in a longhouse. The goal of the village is to […]

dancing frog

