Author Archive

Mapping Coursera with Google

Yazan: cnast | 13 June 2013 | No Comments
Categories: Maps

Coursera’s up to 81 institutions now — want to see who joined when? View a full-sized map here. I gathered the data by combining a bunch of new articles posted on Coursera’s website. The map is my submission for the Google Maps portion of the course “Mapping with Google.”  According to the articles available, Coursera has announced […]

Zero to Software Engineer

Yazan: cnast | 05 May 2013 | No Comments
Categories: Life, Zero to SWE

Seven years seems like a long time in blogging years. With all the categories I’ve accumulated on this blog, you’d think I’d have one to use for this post. What is there to do, but pick from the best from pile and add a new one where none exists? I’ve spent too much some time over […]

Screen-free? No thanks

Yazan: cnast | 17 January 2013 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Cell phones, Happy, Technology

I’m surprised at how angry screen-free day makes me. I’m quite happy living in the present, thank you very much. You don’t see people advocating for penicillin- or insulin-free days, or indoor-plumbing-free days, or the removal of mass transit, or other scientific advances that have made lives more accessible or more enjoyable for us. Why […]

Announcing the new Essex Kent Mennonite Historical Association website

Yazan: cnast | 23 December 2012 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, History, Mennonite, Museums, Oral HIstory, Websites

Today is a special day! Today marks the soft launch of a new website for the Essex Kent Mennonite Historical Association (EKMHA): Special thanks go to Bruno Penner, Walt Koop, Astrid Koop, Katie Brown, Helga Harder, and Carol Sawatzky for their collaboration, enthusiasm, patience, and outstanding teamwork as we developed the new site over […]

dancing frog

