Archive for the 'Academia' Category

ProfHacker OpenSearch Plugin

Yazan: Candace | 06 April 2010 | 2 Comments
Categories: Academia, code, Happy, Humanities Computing, Mozilla, Technology, Tools, Web Applications

I’ve been a regular reader of ProfHacker since its launch. The posts (tips and tutorials for higher ed), are helpful – and usually timely. Just as I’m thinking about or needing something, a post turns up providing useful tips, often with links to more info. However, the mass of bookmarks I’ve accumulated is losing its […]

Book Review: Death So Noble

Yazan: Candace | 02 April 2010 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Book, Canadiana, History, School, Women

In Death So Noble, Jonathan Vance explores how Canadians constructed a collective memory of the First World War based on “fact, wishful thinking, half-truth, and outright invention.”[1] Vance endeavours to explain how Canadians gave birth to the myth and how it became embedded in the collective consciousness in the 1920s and 1930s.[2] Vance argues that […]

SHARCnet Research Day 2010

Yazan: Candace | 27 March 2010 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Humanities Computing

Coming up at York University  on May 6, 2010: SHARCNET Research Day is the premier annual event at which SHARCNET professors, postdocs and graduate students meet to learn about each other’s High Performance Computing (HPC) related research. The theme of the meeting is “HPC Innovation for Research.” via SHARCNET Research Day 2010.

Graduate Funding Workshop

Yazan: Candace | 23 September 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Funding

Yesterday Dr. Stephen Pender, English and Dr. Marcello Guarini, Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Windsor hosted a workshop on how to best fill out applications for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) and awards from the Social Sciences / Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). I twittered notes as I took […]

CFP: The Past’s Digital Presence

Yazan: Candace | 14 July 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, CFPs, Conferences

The Call for Papers is live for this graduate student conference at Yale to be held in February 2010. I have a couple of ideas for projects that would be suitable just not sure how far along I’ll be by the time the CFP is due (Sept 10, 2009).  Here are the details from the […]


Yazan: Candace | 08 November 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Blogging, Life, School

Working on my SSHRC application this weekend, grading assignments, and writing a paper. Everything is due Monday. Thanks everyone for the recent comments. If you haven’t seen yours here yet it’s because it’s in cue with several hundred others. Mixed in with the viagra et al spam are comments that agree with me and comments […]


Yazan: Candace | 04 November 2008 | 7 Comments
Categories: Academia, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Cyberspace, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Life, Research, School, Sexism, Technology, Women's Studies

I’m working on a sshrc funding proposal. For those who aren’t familiar, funding from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canad makes the difference between attending and not attending graduate school. I’ve decided to pursue the PhD and working on the proposal is both exciting and frustrating. I’m working with vague ideas about […]

Uzma Shakir Quotes

Yazan: Candace | 02 November 2008 | 1 Comment
Categories: Academia, Activism, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Diversity, Family, Feminism, Life, Racism, Sexism, Women's Studies

Last week Uzma Shakir, GTA activist, visited Windsor to talk about activism, feminism, Islam, immigration, community, and violence against women, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, Sharia law, and the imperiled Muslim woman. I kept a running list of quotes from the talks I attended. Here they are: “Kids don’t drop out of school, they’re pushed out because […]

Sari and Samosa Syndrome

Yazan: Candace | 24 October 2008 | 6 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Diversity, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Life, Racism, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies

“Sari and Samosa Syndrome.” Coined by Uzma Shakir and shared at one of the stops on her visit to Windsor this week , this is what happens too often when people attempt to organize multicultural events. People are invited to wear their “traditional cultural dress” and serve “ethnic” food. There’s music and dancing and before […]

New Research Methods Book by Alison Jagger

Yazan: Candace | 23 October 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Book, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Life, Research, School, Sexism, Women's Studies

Alison Jagger is professor of philosophy and women’s studies at University of Colorado, Boulder. Her latest book looks great and useful: Just Methods: An Interdisciplinary Feminist Reader . From the description: Feminist research is a growing tradition of inquiry that aims to produce knowledge that is not biased by inequitable assumptions about gender and related […]

dancing frog

