Yazan: Candace | 22 October 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Diversity, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Happy, Language, Life, Relationships, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies
This year’s Distinguished Visitor in Women’s Studies at the University of Windsor is Uzma Shakir, a Pakistan-born community activist making a difference in Scarborough, Ontario. She is the 2003 recipient of the Jane Jacobs Prize and was recently awarded the Atkinson Foundation’s Economic Justice Award in recognition of her work on behalf of immigrants in […]
Yazan: Candace | 14 October 2008 | 4 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Life, Relationships, School
I have a few sticky notes around my monitor to help me stay focused when I’m writing essays for school. One of these says, “Why is this important?” It reminds me that every bit of information I include in a paper needs to be relevant to the thesis. It helps me cut down a long […]
Yazan: Candace | 27 May 2008 | 3 Comments
Categories: Academia, Environment, History, Life, School
I’m spending a lot of time on campus lately. I have a wonderful workspace in the History Research Lab and I’ve made it cozy with some comics, postcards, and other decorations. I also leave articles I’m reading on the desk so that I have to come back to continue working. Since I bought a parking […]
Yazan: Candace | 30 April 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Family, Happy, Life
There’s nothing quite like the week after a semester finishes. I’ve been so productive the last few days. Rob and I have put doors up on two kids’ bedrooms so that leaves only one more. I just finished installing the doorknob on the second one and sawing off the shims. My taxes are done and […]
Yazan: Candace | 23 April 2008 | 1 Comment
Categories: Academia, School
I’ve got a hideous paper due Friday and yesterday I realized (for reasons that I won’t go into now) that my topic is all wrong. Unfortunately, there’s no time to start over so I’ll have to make do with the research I’ve been doing all semester and salvage what I can when this semester is […]
Yazan: Candace | 22 April 2008 | 3 Comments
Categories: Academia, School, Technology
Forget asking how did people write before word processors — how did people ever write without hyperlinking? I’m going crazy trying to write my final essay of the semester without hyperlinks. Aaarrrggghhhh!!! It would be so sweet to go beyond footnotes, to be able to include a link to a photo or a text or […]
Yazan: Candace | 18 March 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Academia, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Life, School, Sexism, Sexuality, Women's Studies
Last night I attended a talk held at the University of Windsor given by Dr. Shahnaz Khan. The topic of the presentation was entitled: Veil Talk: Examining the Many Facets. Dr. Khan is the author of Aversion and Desire; Negotiating Muslim Female Identity in the Diaspora and a professor in Global Studies and Women’s Studies […]
Yazan: Candace | 27 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, History, School
Next week I have to hand in a comprehensive annotated bibliography for my major research project. I’m finding out there are trickier citations to write than books with editors but no authors, self-published books and websites with hidden authors. Until now these have been the toughest. Now I’m finding I need to cite primary sources […]
Yazan: Candace | 13 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Birth, Canadiana, Feminism, History, School, Women's Studies
No need to ask, I’m still not all that engaged in my school work. At least I’m crying less this term. I had to present a statement of my research project this week. (For those who forget or are tuning in mid-journey, I’m looking at something about childbirth on Pelee Island in Southern Ontario in […]
Yazan: Candace | 09 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, History, Life, School
I was going to start daily blogging of insurmountable problems. But it turned out to be impossible. (see? I have a sense of humour!) The latest struggle: staying awake. I’ve always had trouble staying awake. As a babysitter I had to work hard to stay awake until the kids were asleep. Usually the parents woke […]