Yazan: cnast | 23 December 2012 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, History, Mennonite, Museums, Oral HIstory, Websites
Today is a special day! Today marks the soft launch of a new website for the Essex Kent Mennonite Historical Association (EKMHA): http://ekmha.ca Special thanks go to Bruno Penner, Walt Koop, Astrid Koop, Katie Brown, Helga Harder, and Carol Sawatzky for their collaboration, enthusiasm, patience, and outstanding teamwork as we developed the new site over […]
Yazan: Candace | 02 April 2010 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Book, Canadiana, History, School, Women
In Death So Noble, Jonathan Vance explores how Canadians constructed a collective memory of the First World War based on “fact, wishful thinking, half-truth, and outright invention.”[1] Vance endeavours to explain how Canadians gave birth to the myth and how it became embedded in the collective consciousness in the 1920s and 1930s.[2] Vance argues that […]
Yazan: Candace | 06 November 2009 | No Comments
Categories: code, History, Museums, Omeka
Thanks to debugging help from @Rob_Russell, I managed to get Omeka installed and running on two separate development sites this week. For the most part, the Omeka documentation was great for getting me through the basics of downloading and setting up but I ran in to two problems: one was php-related due to the host […]
Yazan: Candace | 19 September 2009 | 1 Comment
Categories: History, Tools, Toys
Not long ago, I finished all the interviews for the-project-that-will-be-my-Masters but was then faced with the daunting task of transcribing them all. Since starting this project I’ve learned about an entire movement within oral history to work from the audio but I’d already committed to sending the texts back out to the participants so they […]
Yazan: Candace | 09 September 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Dance, History
For as long as I can remember dancing has been a large part of my life. You might call me a dance junkie. I’ve taught ballet and taken whatever classes I could find: swing, ballroom, tap, modern… I’ve let that drift away while attending grad school. There just isn’t enough time in a day to […]
Yazan: Candace | 28 May 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Birth, History, Women
On Pickwick Avenue, in Leamington, Ontario there is a Heritage Centre on the second floor of the Mennonite Home. When I was there last month I received a tour from Astrid Koop and one of the treasures she showed me was the midwife case of Mrs. Sara Matthies (nee Retzlaff). According to the record, Sara […]
Yazan: Candace | 25 May 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Birth, Book, History, Oral HIstory
I was thrilled to find In Her Own Voice: Childbirth Stories from Mennonite Women on the shelf at the university library last week. These narratives were collected in 1988 by Katherine Martens and Heidi Harms in Manitoba through a government initiative to collect oral history interviews. The women interviewed represent three separate waves of Mennonite […]
Yazan: Candace | 19 May 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Birth, History, Mennonite, Midwives
More from Marlene Epp. This time it’s “Midwife-Healers in Canadian Mennonite Immigrant Communities: ‘women who made things right.’” Histoire Sociale/Social History 40 (November 2007): 323-344. This one has a tiny mention of Pelee Island on page 326.
Yazan: Candace | 15 May 2009 | No Comments
Categories: Book, History
Sisters or Strangers? Immigrant, Ethnic, and Racialized Women in Canadian History edited by Marlene Epp, Franca Iacovetta, and Frances Swyripa. I picked this up for Epp’s article “The Semiotics of Zwieback: Feast and Famine in the Narratives of Mennonite Refugee Women” but want to read the rest.
Yazan: Candace | 08 September 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Bodies, Culture, History, Religion, Sexism, Sexuality
Catholic? Have a daughter? Your church would rather see her dead than raped, like Maria Goretti, sainted in 1950 in celebration of her 1902 murder by her would-be rapist. Virginity – even when you’re about to be raped – is more important than life. Got it? The murderer on the other hand lived a long […]