Archive for the 'Aging' Category

Geeks get the Monthlies

Yazan: Candace | 08 April 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Feminism, Life, Sexuality, Technology

I’ve been playing with calendars on my fresh install of SuSE Linux – experimenting with customizing Lightning for Mozilla Thunderbird and trying out kOrganizer. I’ve got all of my calendars (kids here, kids at their dads, Rob’s kid, campus activities, due dates, birthdays, etc) on the home network so that I can see my events […]

An Idea

Yazan: Candace | 29 February 2008 | 1 Comment
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Culture, Happy, Life

I should have thought of this years ago. When life got busy I quit teaching ballet (and taking lessons and going swing, ballroom, and latin dancing with Rob). Maybe it wasn’t the right decision but I was being torn in too many different directions. flickr photo by Something had to go and dancing was […]

Not Publishing

Yazan: Candace | 19 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Family, Life, Relationships, Spirituality

Over the past three days I’ve written four posts that I’ve decided not to publish. They’re too angsty, too sad, too personal, or contain information that might haunt me someday. It helps to write because it helps me see just how deep this sadness runs. When a post turns to things thirty years old I […]

Counsellor, housekeeper, or personal trainer?

Yazan: Candace | 15 November 2007 | 3 Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Happy, Life, Relationships, School

I’ve switched from snacking on m&m’s to jumbo organic raisins. I figure the sugar rush is the same (and should help me stay awake) but at least with the raisins I’m getting some iron. If I’m so low on energy the extra iron might help me feel more energized. I also found a coupon for […]

Time for a schedule, time for a list

Yazan: Candace | 01 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Culture, Family, Life, Relationships

Life will be okay even if it’s not how I’d imagined. I keep telling myself this and focusing on the wonderful things in my life — and there truly are many of these. But I’m bogged down by the unfinished, the overwhelming, the physical and mental clutter surrounding me. It’s time to make a plan […]

How many rainbows does it take?

Yazan: Candace | 19 December 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Divorce, Family, Life, Relationships

Happy Birthday to me. I have a bit of a cold but I’m dosing with mega-Vitamin C and echinacea-goldenseal tincture. I wrote my last exam today, I proctored the exam for the last class as TA for the semester and I’m about halfway through the marking. Later Rob is taking me for dinner and there […]

In another life

Yazan: Candace | 08 November 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Aging, Life, School, Technology

In another life I wanted to be an aerospace engineer. This was back in grade 11 physics, which I loved. My teacher recognized that and talked to me about engineering, and I was drawn in to aerospace. I wanted to make rockets. I was sure that this is what I would do until I discovered […]

Spread ’em

Yazan: Candace | 18 September 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Life, Relationships, Sexuality

There may be too much information here but just know that you’ve been warned… I’ve been having irregular, unexplained pain in and around the area of my ovaries and uterus – completely incapacitating pain to the point of tears – for the past ten months or so. It used to only last a few hours […]

Tired and old

Yazan: Candace | 24 June 2006 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Life

I’m so tired. Again. I’ve spent the past 12 hours marking papers online. I’m sure my eyes are going to bug out if I sit here any longer. 28 done, 110 to go. At this rate I’ll be done sometime Thursday. I’m too tired to play WoW, too tired to clean or do dishes. Too […]

Old Women

Yazan: Candace | 09 May 2006 | 2 Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Culture, Feminism, Happy, Life, Third Wave

I’m getting older… single mom, couple of kids…I’m relatively casual, a jeans and t-shirt person predominantly although on a hot day I’ll wear a long loose skirt. I don’t wear make-up, I have a practical shoulder length haircut which I tie in a ponytail when I’m teaching dance classes. My hair is string straight and […]

dancing frog

