My name is Candace Nast and I’m a graduate of the M.A. History program at the University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. In 2007, I completed an undergraduate degree in women’s studies with a minor in applied information technology.
In 2012, I completed a Masters in History at the University of Windsor. My M.A. research explored the decline of homebirth on Pelee Island, Ontario, a small Island in Lake Erie and the place where my father, grandmother, and great-grandmother were born. I collected oral histories of women who became mothers there between 1930 and 1950 and wrote about the connection between childbirth, mothering, and women’s work in rural Canada in the mid-twentieth century.
I’m currently working on mapping some of my M.A. project (and a few other women’s history projects. I ♥ maps!) I was accepted to the Ph.D. History program at the University of Waterloo for Fall 2010, but haven’t made up my mind about that yet with a big complicated knot in my stomach, declined to attend.
Since then, I’ve been working at the intersections of technology, history, and gender, both in and out of higher education. Inside the academy, I’ve worked concurrently as a sessional instructor in History and Women’s Studies, and developing and coordinating teaching and learning professional development for teaching assistants. My specialty is helping instructors use technology effectively to support learning. Pedagogy before technology!
Outside the academy, I’ve worked with a few small museums and independent historians to design and build online exhibits and to showcase their research.
I have been blogging since 2005. This blog brings together all my writing into one place: tech, history, activist, and feminist.
Contact me at candace (dot) nast (at) gmail (dot) com