Yazan: Candace | 06 November 2007 | 4 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Culture, Feminism, History, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies
It could just be a coincidence. This semester I run two of ten tutorials for a very large first-year world history class that covers the years 1914-1945. There is an acknowledged Western perspective. Last week there was one lecture (50 minutes) assigned to the topic “Women in the 20th Century.” This had been rubbing me […]
Yazan: Candace | 01 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Culture, Family, Life, Relationships
Life will be okay even if it’s not how I’d imagined. I keep telling myself this and focusing on the wonderful things in my life — and there truly are many of these. But I’m bogged down by the unfinished, the overwhelming, the physical and mental clutter surrounding me. It’s time to make a plan […]
Yazan: Candace | 10 October 2007 | 4 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, History, Life, Relationships, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies
The System is not made for me. Graduate students are not supposed to have families to care for, houses to clean, meals to prepare and clean up, or groceries to buy. They are not supposed to organize birthday parties, coordinate repairs, clean and sell a house, finish a basement, wash laundry, fold laundry, garden, or […]
Yazan: Candace | 25 September 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, Culture, Divorce, Family, Feminism, Happy, Life, Marriage, Relationships
My daughter should be home by 4:30 p.m. today. Today the judge ordered her father to return her to me. He was found in contempt of court and read the riot act. What a relief. It’s been a week and a half since he took her.
Yazan: Candace | 15 September 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Language, School, Technology
School’s started up again and if I hear another caveat from a professor telling students not to cite Wikipedia I think I’m going to lose it. In each instance it’s gone something like this: (Prof): In writing your papers this semester, you’ll be required to use outside sources. When you’re looking for material, do not […]
Yazan: Candace | 18 June 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Ecofeminism, Environment, Family, Life, Relationships
Please note: This post is not meant to criticize or offend anyone who has experienced a death of friend of family and has had to make these decisions. It’s only intent is to bring attention to a practice that seems to me to go unquestioned, when there may be other, viable alternatives worthy of consideration. […]
Yazan: Candace | 08 June 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, Culture, Food, Happy, Life
I’ve been meaning to go for months but it never worked out until today. This morning I went there for tea with my friend Lisa. I also had a “texture” cookie, all full of raisins, seeds, apple and yummy goodness and the desserts are vegan (even the choco-chip cookies — only place in Windsor with […]
Yazan: Candace | 03 June 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Culture, Family, Life, Relationships, School
I tend to blame myself. Maybe it’s that guilty recovering Catholic conscience. Whenever something bad happens (not far away, just close to me) I find myself scrutinizing my actions and role in the event and wondering where I made a mistake and what I should have done differently. Note — not wondering *if* I made […]
Yazan: Candace | 31 May 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Environment, Food, Life, northernvoice
I live in Ontario. As much as I am able to choose, I drink Ontario wine, made from grapes grown in Ontario. I live about an hour north of Pelee Island. I live about three hours south-west of the Niagara Escarpment. Between these two regions there are many wines to choose from. I’m lucky about […]
Yazan: Candace | 30 May 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Canadiana, Culture, History, Language, Life
It’s all about perspective. My kids got a map in mail, a map of the area a bit north of here with points of interest marked to encourage daytripping over the summer. It’s a cool map with great photos of marinas, wetlands, artwork, theatres, kayaking, scuba diving, lighthouses — lots of different categories so that […]