Yazan: Candace | 22 March 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Culture, Feminism, Life, Sexism
You must go see yesterday’s Toothpaste for Dinner comic. Hat tip to Alexandra.
Yazan: Candace | 18 March 2008 | 2 Comments
Categories: Academia, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Life, School, Sexism, Sexuality, Women's Studies
Last night I attended a talk held at the University of Windsor given by Dr. Shahnaz Khan. The topic of the presentation was entitled: Veil Talk: Examining the Many Facets. Dr. Khan is the author of Aversion and Desire; Negotiating Muslim Female Identity in the Diaspora and a professor in Global Studies and Women’s Studies […]
Yazan: Candace | 29 February 2008 | 1 Comment
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Culture, Happy, Life
I should have thought of this years ago. When life got busy I quit teaching ballet (and taking lessons and going swing, ballroom, and latin dancing with Rob). Maybe it wasn’t the right decision but I was being torn in too many different directions. flickr photo by www.get-fit-at-home.com Something had to go and dancing was […]
Yazan: Candace | 28 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Canadiana, Culture, Happy, History, Life, School
I want to go to this very very badly. I could even say it’s for school! And for people who like to take pictures/pictures of birds this is the perfect opportunity! More details here. Seeing as how Vincent Lam’s book about history and medicine (on my way to pick it up at the library now!) […]
Yazan: Candace | 27 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Blogging, Life
A bunch of local bloggers have started meeting up on a monthly basis. The February meetup is tonight at Taloola Cafe, start time 7:30, everyone is welcome. There’s a wiki here with details http://windsorblogs.pbwiki.com/ and the signup for February is here http://windsorblogs.pbwiki.com/February+2008 Last month there was a mix of blog topics — technology, photos, food, […]
Yazan: Candace | 25 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Birth, Bodies, Culture, Family, Feminism, Happy, Life, Sexism, Sexuality, Technology, Third Wave
I’ve known for years (almost 14 — the age of my oldest child) that breastmilk is the absolute best thing in the world. Now there’s one more reason why it’s awesome: Breastmilk contains stem cells. Seriously. Check out that article. flickr photo by Hoover Family Photos
Yazan: Candace | 20 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Bodies, Happy, Life, Relationships
I first discovered Smileage at BlogHer 2007 in Chicago. I’m not sure where I picked it up or who put it there, but I came home with a tube of it in my swag bag. I have dry and sensitive skin and have tried a lot of different lotions, creams, and lip balms and I […]
Yazan: Candace | 18 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Family, Feminism, Life, Relationships, School, Third Wave
Today is Family Day in Ontario. It’s a government initiative to help families with the crazy pace of life by giving everyone the day off so they can spend time together. Except Family Day isn’t retrospectively applied to court orders signed before today. If your kids go to their dad’s on Mondays you are out […]
Yazan: Candace | 14 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Canadiana, Feminism, Life, Miss G_ Project, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies
Want to know what to do for your Valentine this year? Call Kathleen Wynne, Ontario’s Minister of Education and ask when the already promised Women’s and Gender Studies course will be added into the Ontario Secondary School Curriculum. Kathleen Wynne’s Office: 416.325.2600 TDD/TTY: 1-800-263-2892 Today, February 14th 2008, between 9 and 5, pick up the […]
Yazan: Candace | 12 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Canadiana, Culture, Feminism, History, Life, Relationships, Sexism, Sexuality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
Please cast your vote to support the nomination of Henry Morgentaler for the Order of Canada. Henry Morgentaler is a Holocaust survivor.* He survived Auschwitz, and after the war he accepted a United Nations scholarship that was being offered to Jewish survivors. With this, he went to medical school in Germany. He came to Canada […]