Yazan: Candace | 18 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Family, Feminism, Life, Relationships, School, Third Wave
Today is Family Day in Ontario. It’s a government initiative to help families with the crazy pace of life by giving everyone the day off so they can spend time together. Except Family Day isn’t retrospectively applied to court orders signed before today. If your kids go to their dad’s on Mondays you are out […]
Yazan: Candace | 11 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Bodies, Culture, Family, Happy, Life, Relationships
We went to the pool last weekend. My daughter has always been a fish. She’s been swimming since she was an infant and has always loved it. I don’t think I ever taught her to go underwater, she just always could. She wowed the lifeguards with her butterfly stroke and I just wondered where she […]
Yazan: Candace | 11 February 2008 | No Comments
Categories: Family, Life, Relationships, Women's Studies
Many years ago I shared a house with 4-6 other adults (people came, people went). We shared a fridge, dishes, and kitchen appliances and the deal was that we’d each contribute to the common expenses (like toilet paper) and took turns on the chores like cleaning the bathroom, sweeping the floors, vacuuming, and doing the […]
Yazan: Candace | 13 December 2007 | 1 Comment
Categories: Activism, Bodies, Culture, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Happy, Life, Relationships, Spirituality, Third Wave, Women's Studies
I have been collecting frames for the past two years or so. When I see a cheap or clearance frame I buy it and stash it away because framed photos make great gifts and because I’ve always wanted a home with treasured photos hung all around. I did that a little bit at my old […]
Yazan: Candace | 19 November 2007 | 1 Comment
Categories: Bodies, Culture, Divorce, Family, Life, Relationships
When you live with someone and they’re sad and not talking I guess it’s natural to think it’s your fault. But if the person is sad to the point that they’re not talking, not acting like they usually do, are withdrawn, sleeping a lot, maybe crying for no reason that you can see, it’s most […]
Yazan: Candace | 19 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Bodies, Family, Life, Relationships, Spirituality
Over the past three days I’ve written four posts that I’ve decided not to publish. They’re too angsty, too sad, too personal, or contain information that might haunt me someday. It helps to write because it helps me see just how deep this sadness runs. When a post turns to things thirty years old I […]
Yazan: Candace | 07 November 2007 | 2 Comments
Categories: Birth, Family, Happy, Life
On a magic birthday your wish gets extra power points. My kid deserves it — he’s sick home from school for the third day in a row. Just think: to be turning seven on the seventh day of the month in the seventh year of the century? It doesn’t get much cooler than this! image […]
Yazan: Candace | 01 November 2007 | No Comments
Categories: Aging, Culture, Family, Life, Relationships
Life will be okay even if it’s not how I’d imagined. I keep telling myself this and focusing on the wonderful things in my life — and there truly are many of these. But I’m bogged down by the unfinished, the overwhelming, the physical and mental clutter surrounding me. It’s time to make a plan […]
Yazan: Candace | 10 October 2007 | 4 Comments
Categories: Academia, Activism, Canadiana, Culture, Family, Feminism, Feminist Theory, History, Life, Relationships, School, Sexism, Third Wave, Women's Studies
The System is not made for me. Graduate students are not supposed to have families to care for, houses to clean, meals to prepare and clean up, or groceries to buy. They are not supposed to organize birthday parties, coordinate repairs, clean and sell a house, finish a basement, wash laundry, fold laundry, garden, or […]
Yazan: Candace | 26 September 2007 | 1 Comment
Categories: Divorce, Family, Happy, Life, Marriage, Relationships
My daughter came home last night. I have to wonder if maybe I’ve saved her life. I know too many kids whose families are divorced. They found living with one parent too difficult and either left or got thrown out and sent to live with the other parent. Of course it was only ever a […]