Restoring Feeds in Opera

Candace, 22 March 2007, Comments Off on Restoring Feeds in Opera
Categories: Opera, Organizing, Web Applications

I like Opera. I really do. I haven’t found anything better for reading feeds which means it’s open on my desktop almost all the time. Or at least it was until I switched from Windows XP to Suse 10.2. Because I’ve been busy with school and life it’s taken me awhile to copy over my bookmarks and other profile settings, including my feed subscriptions. Since I backed them up before leaving Windows I knew eventually I’d get around to it, but it’s been long enough now and I feel totally out of the loop with the blogs I used to read regularly. It’s also the end of the semester crunch and there’s nothing better to support procrastinating than reading blogs. Naturally this morning I’ve decided to finally set up my feeds.

It wasn’t that hard really:

By opening Opera > Help > About I found the directory where my new Opera is installed. I copied the path and pasted it in the address bar in Konqueror which I opened with the My Computer icon on the desktop. Pressing enter brought me to the installation. On my external drive where my backups are stored I navigated to my old Opera backup.

In the new Opera folder I made a copy of the mail folder by right-clicking and renaming it “mail-orig”. Then I copied the old mail folder into the new one. When that was done I opened Opera and hoped to see all my old friends…..but I wasn’t done yet.

The hidden step was that I had to open Feeds > Manage Feeds and check off every box there and then finish with OK before all of the feeds were added. No big deal, but not completely obvious. Because I’d surfed around and added some duplicates I needed to quickly go through and highlight > Delete the duplicates. Again, not a big deal.

So now my Opera feeds are restored and I am sooo behind on reading them. /sigh/ It’s bliss.


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