Test Drive Unlimited – missed the ultimate challenge

Candace, 17 September 2006, Comments Off on Test Drive Unlimited – missed the ultimate challenge
Categories: Games

This is indeed a cool game where you get to drive around the island of Hawaii (mapped accurately), online with other drivers. Racing on bikes or in cars, building garages and funkying up your avatar are all parts of the game. According to the Test Drive Unlimited official site, some of the accessory activities include:

“helping hitchhikers…picking up girls…chasing car thieves…and escaping a psycopath”

In my opinion they’ve missed the ultimate challenge: getting kids to school and driving the carpool to assorted extracurriculars with various instruments, athletic gear, etc. For the elite player the kids should attend three different schools, during the carpool one should suddently become ill – maybe an anaphylactic reaction or vomiting, and then halfway to practice one should recall a major project involving a glue gun, fuzzy pompoms and packing peanuts that is due the next morning. Good luck!


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