Canadian Federal Election

Candace, 12 January 2006, No comments
Categories: Activism, Culture, Ecofeminism, Environment, Third Wave

We’re up for another federal election in just over a week. The Green Party has chosen not to put up signs this time. Not only are signs an eyesore in the community and a big litter maker post-election (and often during) but they are also doing this in an effort to make a responsible spending choice. What value do signs contribute to people and their environment?

As I was cycling home from campus today I was noticing how warm it is here in Southern Ontario, especially considering it’s still early January. I noticed that my neighbour’s irises are up already and all the lawns are green.

Between the many NDP signs around campus and the occasional Conservative party sign, I realized that all the green lawns are really great advertising for the Green Party. I do have a sign on my lawn after all – it’s the green – uh – ‘ground ivy’ (aka creeping charlie) that covers my front yard. And I’ll sleep much much better knowing now that all my neighbours support the Green Party too.


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