Yazan: Candace | 15 August 2005 | No Comments
Categories: Academia, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Sexism, Women's Studies
Feminist discussions of gender neutrality in language have achieved some reform in spoken and written English language. Organizations like the American Philosophical Association (APA) provide guidelines to their members in the use of non-sexist language. Saul suggests similar strategies for creating gender-neutral language. This paper will discuss how the “Guidelines for Non-Sexist Use of Language” […]
Yazan: Candace | 31 July 2005 | Comments Off on Dominant Reading and Presupposition: Women and the Domesticated Animal Metaphor
Categories: Academia, Feminism, Feminist Theory, Language, Women's Studies
Metaphors which connect women with domesticated animals perpetuate the derogation and objectification of women. In the article “The Semantic Derogation of Woman,” Muriel Schulz illustrates how over time, terms used to describe horses like jade, harridan, and tit have been used to refer to women, and have acquired sexual overtones when used in this way. […]
Yazan: Candace | 20 July 2005 | Comments Off on Greeting Cards
Categories: Language, Life, Relationships, Sexism, Women's Studies
Deborah Tannen says, “women and men have different past experiences.” This different experience means that men and women’s perception and understanding of the world will be different. Tannen supports the dual culture approach to analyzing men and women’s behaviour and the characteristics she describes can be found in an analysis of the attached greeting cards. […]
Yazan: Candace | 20 July 2005 | Comments Off on Binary Opposites
Categories: Feminist Theory, Language, School, Women's Studies
Examples of Binary Opposites Young:Old Happy:Sad Awake:Asleep Up:Down Alive:Dead Hot:Cold Open:Shut White:Black True:False Shout:Whisper Fast:Slow On:Off Smart:Stupid Pretty:Ugly Skinny:Fat Tall:Short Soft:Rough Clean:Dirty Chocolate:Vanilla Rich:Poor Treasure:Trash New:Old Wet:Dry Virgin:Whore This paper will examine the following pairs of binary opposition: Young/old, hot/cold, true/false, on/off, and clean/dirty. Young and Old In Western society, youth is valued above age. […]
Yazan: Candace | 20 July 2005 | Comments Off on Use of Language in My Fair Lady
Categories: Bodies, Language, School, Women's Studies
In the film My Fair Lady, Professor Higgins endeavours to transform Eliza from a common person to a gentlewoman completely trained in the language and etiquette of the gentry. Professor Higgins is a linguistic purist. He feels that people who do not speak as he does, (i.e. as a proper English gentleman), have “no right […]